
Film on the web

Today is random movie link day, where I send you, the reader, across the web to distant sites where you will find movie related entertainment and revel in your movie-geekdom.

First off, at Nostalgia Central, I found a list of 40 things that only happen in the movies, very funny list, and so true.

Next stop, over at Film Experience Blog, Nathaniel posted a fun movie MEME; fill it out and post it here or send it to your fellow cinephiles.

The Independent online has a good write up about CGI and the direction it is taking Hollywood.

Slate.com has a funny parody of It's a Wonderful Life, starring the Bush administration.

On to a new site I found called The Aspect Ratio; they have a list of good but overlooked movies. Most of them are Indies and sound like they're all worth watching.

And now two articles from the NY Times, one about how A Christmas Story is just now becoming a popular holiday classic, and the other is an interview with Zack Snyder and Frank Miller about the upcoming adaptation of Miller's 300.

Finally we wrap up today with a list from Mark Beall's Geek Beat over at Cinematical: Eight Things I Learned From The X-Men.

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