
the persistence of vision explained

Good evening… if you feel you’ve reached this blog by accident, by all means leave. If by some far-fetched, unexplainable, fluke of the world wide web, you actually meant to visit this page... then read on if you dare.

On with the topic: Here I will discuss movies and what I like about them and what I don’t like about them… but mostly what I like about them because for the most part I can’t get enough of them. I read a lot of movie and news web sites every day and I thought I would post here what I learn about what’s coming out, what’s been out, and interject my opinion about them.

Most of all I wish this to be a place of discussion. I want to hear what other people think, because above all things… I love talking and sharing about movies with other movie lovers.

Keep it tuned right here because summer isn’t even close to being over yet and I still have a lot of films to see.